Customized Advocacy for Local Communities

We offer tailored support to help local communities push back against global agendas and reallocate their resources toward local priorities. Our services focus on empowering local governance and include comprehensive research, strategy development, and advocacy support. Below are the key services we provide:

Preliminary Research & Organization

Service Includes:

  • Obtaining key documents such as the Joining Resolutions, Climate Action Plan, and Official Plan.

  • Confirming dates for council hearings.

  • Setting up communication channels for the group and directly with council.

Once the retainer is in place, I will begin the research process and organizational setup to help your community prepare for action.

NGO Research

Service Includes:

  • Researching local NGOs that receive funding to monitor UN SDG progress.

  • Providing insights into how these organizations are aligned with global programs and influencing local decisions and expenditures.

This research helps guide your community's response to the influence of international initiatives at the local level.

Report Development

Service Includes:

  • Creating a detailed report on Municipal Plans or agenda items with tailored recommendations for council action.

  • Offering strategies for how the council can realign priorities toward local interests.

The report provides actionable steps for your community to influence local governance and counter global agendas.

Report Submission & Advocacy Preparation

Service Includes:

  • Submitting the official report to your local council.

  • Providing tailored scripts for local advocates to use during council meetings.

I will develop personalized materials to prepare your community for effective advocacy.

Public Campaign Development

Service Includes:

  • Creating petitions, videos, and press releases to raise awareness and build community support.

  • Developing a campaign webpage to engage and inform the public.

This service will be developed in collaboration with your group to ensure maximum community engagement.

Townhall Presentation Preparation

Service Includes:

  • Developing talking points and a PowerPoint presentation for your group to host a community townhall meeting.

Detailed materials will be prepared to help your group educate and mobilize the community effectively.

In-Person Meetings, Delegations, and Presentations

Service Includes:

  • I may be available to attend in-person meetings, provide on-the-ground assistance, join in council delegations, or deliver presentations on the issues at hand.

Travel costs and accommodations will be covered by the group. If in-person support or presentations are needed, I will work with your group to arrange travel logistics.

Messaging Support for Local Councils

Service Includes:

  • Providing clear and effective messaging strategies for councils facing opposition.

  • Crafting statements, speeches, and materials to strengthen the council’s position in complex situations.

PR Support for Candidates and Political Actors

Service Includes:

  • Assisting candidates and councillors facing bullying or opposition in crafting public relations strategies.

  • Developing strong communication plans to counter negative narratives and promote transparency.

Campaign Workflow & Time Commitment

  • Start with a 1-Hour Meeting: Each campaign begins with a one-hour meeting to understand your community’s specific needs and goals.

  • Step-by-Step Process: Each step of the campaign typically takes 4-8 hours to complete, depending on the complexity and scope of the work involved.

Rates & Booking Information

  • Service Rates: Services are acquired at a hourly rate of $50 per hour, ensuring tailored, quality support for your community.

  • Booking Charge: A $50 booking charge applies when scheduling a consultation.

To book your initial consultation and discuss your community's needs, visit the Book a Consultation page.

Crowdfunding for Services

If your community or group wishes to support these services, you can crowdfund locally. Here’s a suggested post you can share to help raise funds for your campaign:

Suggested Post for Crowdfunding:

Help Us Protect Our Community!

We are working with Maggie Braun from the KICLEI Initiative to push back against global agendas and ensure our local priorities are heard. Maggie provides tailored advocacy, research, and strategic support, and we are raising funds to bring her expertise to our community.

You can support our campaign by sending funds directly to via e-transfer. Please include the name of [your campaign] in the transfer message to ensure the funds are properly directed.

Together, we can stand up for our community and make sure our voices are heard!