Local Over Global Policies

Let`s advocate for local needs over global policies and preserve our natural environment while ensuring prosperity for future generations. Have you heard of the Partners for Climate Protection Program, its origins, aim and supporting rationale? We hope that Canadian Municipal and First Nations Councils will consider our recommendations.

Climate Facts Series

Carbon dioxide (CO₂) is a colorless, odorless gas that constitutes approximately 0.0415% of the Earth's atmosphere. Despite its relatively low concentration, CO₂ plays a pivotal role in sustaining life and regulating climate patterns. Contrary to popular belief, CO₂ is not a pollutant; it is a vital component of the Earth's ecosystem, necessary for various natural processes and beneficial for biodiversity and human civilization.

The Canadian Current

Local News with National Impacts. Community Based Engagement. Protecting our municipal leaders from international influence. International Organizations are trying to influence our towns and cities. Our message is localism over globalism.

Delegations to Councils

Stay up-to-date with delegations supporting the withdrawal of Municipal and First Nation Councils from voluntary UN Directive Programs, promoting holistic local development and local environmental stewardship programs.

Articles and Videos

Educate yourself and stay up to date on civic engagement across the country.