About Maggie Braun

Welcome to my bio page! I'm Maggie Braun, an advocate for local empowerment and environmental stewardship. My work focuses on helping communities support their elected representatives in prioritizing local programs over global initiatives. I strive to foster community engagement and ensure that local voices are heard in decisions that directly impact our lives.

With an educational background is in ecosystem management, I became politically active, running for the Canadian Action Party (CAP) in 2011. Over the following 12 years, I dedicated my time to homeschooling, community volunteering, and serving on the boards of the CAP and the Terrace Green Thumb Society.

I attended the Freedom Convoy of Hope and was arrested for peacefully protesting. Later, I testified at the Public Order Emergency Commission, sharing my belief that Canada’s democratic systems were not functioning as they should. These experiences highlighted for me the growing need for civic engagement in our democracy.

As I traveled and spoke in communities across Canada, I realized there was a strong demand for grassroots advocacy and education on local governance. This led to the development of Gather2030, a newsletter designed to advance our movement. It now plays a key role in supporting the KICLEI Initiative, which helps Canadians engage with their municipalities, protect their communities, and strengthen citizen-led democracy.

One of my key concerns is the global framework known as Agenda 21, which is being implemented at the local level. I have worked with delegations in Peterborough and Peterborough County to delay the UN-driven official plan, as well as in Kawartha, where we opposed rural land-use bylaws, and in Aurora, where we resisted smart city initiatives. In Thorold, I supported local advocates and councillors in withdrawing from the FCM ICLEI Partners for Climate Protection program; a net-zero by 2050 data harvesting initiative.

Known for my collaborative and strategic approach, I am fortunate to work with communities across the country. My goal is always to empower people with practical tools and support to navigate complex issues and stand against policies that don’t serve local interests.

In addition to supporting local groups, I also participate in interviews and public speaking engagements on these topics.

If you believe your community could benefit from support in these areas, please feel free to reach out. Together, we can work toward a future that prioritizes local needs and strengthens citizen-led democracy.