KICLEI Nunavut


  • KICLEI Zoom Meeting

    Regional updates, strategic discussions, and action planning for community-led initiatives. These meetings will help coordinate local efforts, address concerns, and build stronger networks within each province or territory.

  • Petition

    Make your voice count! Sign our petition to encourage local leaders to prioritize community-based solutions over global programs.

  • Complete Survey

    Share your voice! Complete our survey on the PCP program to help shape local decisions and priorities that reflect our community’s values.

  • Write Local Council

    Take action in minutes! Join our letter campaign to send a personalized message to your local council, urging them to prioritize local interests and community-led initiatives.


Municipalities Participating in the FCM ICLEI Partners for Climate Protection Program

City of Iqaluit

  • Website: City of Iqaluit

  • Address:
    1085 Mivvik Street,
    P.O. Box 460,
    Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0,

  • Climate Action Plan: Iqaluit Climate Action and Energy Plan

  • PCP Program Participation:
    The City of Iqaluit is a participant in the Partners for Climate Protection (PCP) program in partnership with FCM-ICLEI, working on a structured approach to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the PCP’s five-milestone framework. This involvement includes reporting emissions, setting reduction targets, and implementing actions toward sustainability.