Localism Over Globalism

The City of Peterborough

Empowering Peterborough residents to advocate for locally-focused environmental stewardship over global programs.

Campaign Mission

Localism Over Globalism: Prioritizing Peterborough’s Interests

Our mission is to advocate for locally-focused environmental stewardship that respects community autonomy, prioritizes Peterborough’s unique needs, and upholds local decision-making. We are calling on the Peterborough City Council to consider local initiatives over global programs such as the FCM ICLEI Partners for Climate Protection Program, ensuring that residents’ interests remain central.

Council Meetings

Attend & Support Our Delegations

Here are the upcoming meetings where delegates will speak about the PCP program and advocate for local alternatives. Your attendance shows community support!

Council Meeting

  • Become a Delegate:
    Residents can register as a delegation at council meetings here. Resources are available here.

  • Next Council Meeting: [Date, Time, Location]
    Delegation Presenting: [Yes/No]

  • Code of Conduct: View Code of Conduct for Public Meetings

Town Hall Meeting: [Date, Time, Location]
Open to all residents to discuss local environmental priorities.


Main Contact for the Peterborough Campaign
Have questions or want to get involved? Reach out to our main contact person for the Peterborough campaign:

  • Contact Person: Maggie Braun

  • Email: info@kiclei.ca

  • KICLEI Zoom Meeting

    Regional updates, strategic discussions, and action planning for community-led initiatives. These meetings will help coordinate local efforts, address concerns, and build stronger networks within each province or territory.

  • Petition

    Make your voice count! Sign our petition to encourage local leaders to prioritize community-based solutions over global programs.

  • Complete Survey

    Share your voice! Complete our survey on the PCP program to help shape local decisions and priorities that reflect our community’s values.

  • Write Local Council

    Take action in minutes! Join our letter campaign to send a personalized message to your local council, urging them to prioritize local interests and community-led initiatives.